What does Gbits stand for?

Nothing. It’s just a short name.

Does Gbits Pay use Solana Pay under the hood?

No. Solana Pay uses its own QR code. Solana Pay cannot process the QR codes of Swiss QR invoices.

Do companies (payees) receive stablecoin payments and holds those stablecoins in wallets?

Yes, that’s the idea. No crypto payment processor is involved. It’s stablecoins from payer to payee.

Swiss QR invoices do not support U.S. Dollars (USD) as currency. So how can Gbits Pay support USDC?

Yes, correct. For USDC payments Gbits Pay uses modified Swiss QR invoices. We provide a Google Sheet to generate such modified Swiss QR invoices.

Can Gbits Pay be used outside of Switzerland and Liechtenstein?

As of Summer 2024 we only support Swiss QR invoices.

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